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If I add new software tomorrow and ayrecovery has to be uninstalled to add the new software, then has to be reinstaled for it to backup the new software, how i'm I going to reactivate it? feels Like, what is the point of ayrecovery software?? And no

If I add new software tomorrow and ayrecovery has to be uninstalled to add the new software, then has to be reinstaled for it to backup the new software, how i'm I going to reactivate it? feels Like, what is the point of ayrecovery software?? And no were does it say it will not work on 64 bit windows or linux or any other OS that maybe installed on the other HD, but says it must install on that drive to work, so what other OS can it run on without ruining peoples computers???
P.S. If I add new software tomorrow and ayrecovery has to be uninstalled to add the new software, then has to be reinstaled for it to backup the new software, how i'm I going to reactivate it? feels Like, what is the point of ayrecovery software?? And no were does it say it will not work on 64 bit windows or linux or any other OS that maybe installed on the other HD, but says it must install on that drive to work, so what other OS can it run on without ruining peoples computers??? P.S. what is the point of giving away software that can only work one time if your lucky without forcing you to reinstall your whole HD???

sirbearone , 29.12.2010, 10:21
Idea status: under consideration


ayrecovery, 30.12.2010, 01:49
If you want to add software, you just need disable the AyRecovery Lite, and enable it after installing, no need reinstall and reactive, thanks

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